
Golden Grid Heart Manifestation E-Seminar

Energy Tools & Technology for
Becoming Irresistibly Attractive and Radiant



Every day we offer the literal input of our beliefs into the grid, through the consciousness of the universe, which translates our personal and collective instruction into the reality of our health, the quality of our relationships, and the peace of our worlds.

As you know, there is a Quantum Holographic Field that connects all energies of the Universe, including us together. It is the structure of the Universe and it has shown itself to me as a Golden Grid… everything we experience is connected by this grid and this field is able to be influenced through the heart by feelings of the heart such as Love, Compassion, Joy, Understanding.

We can manifest from the heart in a way that we cannot simply by thinking of what we want… Manifesting is Not a thinking process.

We have coherent heart based emotions… when we feel a feeling there is an effect that changes the electrical and magnetic field in our hearts. Hearts are the strongest magnetic and electrical field in our bodies, so when you change the field that the atom or molecule resides in, then you change the atoms. We are literally altering our physical reality.

Change your Self perception of your body and it will change immediately. See yourself as whole, healthy and strong, when you are on the Golden Grid and you are creating a powerful environment that supports a healthy field and that translates into a healthy body in Universe speak.

Acknowledge and create your relationship reality without judging the one that exists. Simply take on the stance of being a healthy, vibrant and radiant partner while on the Grid, then it can show up for you in your physical reality. You become IT... you are the loving Being that is irresistibly attractive and radiant.

In the Quantum field or Golden Grid all possibilities exist at the same time… you get to choose which one you want to invite into your reality instead of trying to change something here on the dense, physical realm. That old way takes too long!

There is a magical formula that we use when on the Golden Grid that shifts us from being in separation to being in full alignment with that, which we desire to create.

In this seminar…

  • You will master the Creative Coherence Formula and learn how to utilize it effectively for generating energy.
  • You will become one with your imagined reality and step up your heated attractor patterns so that they are the exact reflection of your heart.
  • You will be manifesting with Clarity, Specificity and Certainty. Your virtual billboard will display the Love that you know exists!
  • You will learn how to feel the feelings of what you do want… focus your attention on the things you choose to create, experience and build powerfully charged possibility and probability lines that have meaning.
  • You will become proficient with the Whole Body Being, Key to Manifesting Question that will activate the situations, circumstances and synchronicities for Prospering in every area of your life.
  • You will discover how to create your own personal Golden Grid for a project, relationship, business idea or your health.
  • You will learn how to infuse a Golden Grid structure that will be the supportive context for achieving success.

This e-seminar includes audios where I conduct Question & Answer Sessions, where I support tweaking and aligning energy. Almost all the time, those listening can relate, so there is ample opportunity for you to shift! There is Golden Grid set up just for this class, infused with High Level Vibrations so you can tap in and manifest from wherever you are -- and whenever -- pulling from our synergistic mechanism, just in case you don't feel up to your creative genius self. That means you can borrow Universal energy and charge up your system anytime you need to.

This seminar gives you an opportunity to choose your vibrational input and place it on the Grid in a practical step by step way, so that you are an offering of Love, Prosperity and Purpose…

This allows you to then Attract those very things to You!

The Golden Grid Manifestation e-seminar includes the following:

Complete Package Includes 2 seminars!

Total value of both seminars and bonuses: $1,331

Yours for only $97


Manifesting with the Devas

by Lynne Chown

This program is Powerful Life changing.

Devas function as the positive animating life in all matter. They are the builders of form and transmitters of prana. Devas are the manifestors in our partnership of co-creation. Using the power of your mind and will to hold a space for your vision or blueprint, Lynne supports you as you visit energetic planes to attract form-building devas and invite them to use their life animating power to imbue your creation with life force, meaning, activity, and manifestation.

"Lynne's deep connection with the Devas and her unmatched knowledge of the Devic realms will take you to another level of powerfully creating. You will come to understand exactly what it means to align with Nature for manifesting your Heart-felt desires"

Christel Hughes C.Ht. 'Spiritual Trainer to the Stars' CEO of Academy For the Soul

Whatever you want to create, all you need to do is give it to the Devas to give it form. The human soul provides the blueprint for nature’s engineers. Devas organize it, give it life vitality, and give it form.

In Manifesting with the Devas, Lynne will introduce you to nature’s builders, the Devas. She will show you how to attract them to your project or you idea in joyful creation.

In this audio series, Lynne joins you on the Golden Grid and takes you on a journey along a clearly lighted path to manifest your soul’s desire. She supports you whether it is to manifest your ideal business, call in your perfect home, create a sacred meditation garden or to create a space of love that magnetizes your Soulmate relationship.

The Manifesting with the Devas program is a complete seminar and includes the following:

Session 1: Alignment and Stability

Session 2: Preparing your Field

Session 3: Charging the Energy Centers

Session 5: Sounding your Note

Session 2: Preparing your Field

Lynne Chown is a graduate of the Academy for the Soul and is certified as an Intuitive Strategist. For over 25 years Lynne has studied meditation, healing and other metaphysical subjects such as Astrology, Numerology, Akashic Records, Kabbala Spiritual Alchemy, Enochian Magic, Reiki, Quantum Touch, and Rainbow Bridge Work.

Complete Package Includes 2 seminars!

Total value of both seminars and bonuses: $1,331

Yours for only $97

I’m here to support you in your journey of transformation and illumination. If you are seeking growth and clarity for your Spiritual awakening or a modality to support yourself along your path to purpose, love and greater fulfillment, then this is the space for you. Thank you for being conscious to take the next step.

With Light for your path,

About Christel:

Christel Hughes is a Multi-Sensory Energetic Intuitive, Medium and Holistic Life coach, known by many as the "Spiritual Trainer to the Stars", specializing in self-development, energetic healing and rapid transformation for celebrities and individuals throughout the World. Most people know Christel for her lightening-fast and laser-focused Intuitive readings.

Christel's work has broadened to include multiple programs and pathways to Higher Consciousness and Energetic Transformation. The Academy for the Soul was born through Christel Hughes, as the 'Online School for Intuitive Arts'. Christel's purpose is to bring and shine light into the world, and to operate as a conduit of Divine Truth, working with people as they identify and develop their gifts, and step into their purpose-work. The Academy for the Soul helps people discover and develop their Intuitive Gifts, and then share those gifts with the world as an offering.


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Copyright 2016 Empowering Journeys, Inc.