Welcome! Thank you so much for joining us!

This is your Information and Download Page for the 5-D MIND MASTERY MAKEOVER PROGRAM

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Important: This is your page for the links to the audios... please make note and bookmark so you can return here. Please do not share this page with anyone. You and others have made a donation and energy exchange for these materials. It would not be fair if you gave this away for free.


If you purchased Package A which includes the PRIVATE ASCENSION ATTUNEMENT, please check your email for the link to schedule your appointment with Christel.

If you did not purchase the PRIVATE ASCENSION ATTUNEMENT session, but would like to, you may do so by clicking the button below: ↴


5th-Dimensional Formula for training your mind to work for you

Includes: 7 Mind Mastery Meditations, Guided Journeys

Downloadable MP3 audios

How to download the Audio

Some computers and browsers simply allow you to click the green 'Download Audio' button to download the audio. Others don't.


If clicking the green 'Download Audio' button doesn't download the audio for you, then we suggest the following:

  1. Right click on the green 'Download Audio' button below the audio you wish to download.
  2. Depending on which Operating System (Mac or PC) and Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer) you are using, you will see different things.
  3. Don't worry about it, just choose from one of the menu options your computer presents you with.
  4. You will see options such as:
    • "Save Link as...", or
    • "Save Audio as...", or
    • "Download Linked File..."
  5. Choose whichever option downloads the audio onto your computer.

Mind Mastery Makeover Preparation audio

Listen to Christel share about the 'Theory of the Mind' and ways to Deepen your Meditation and get the greatest results from the Mind Mastery Makeover Meditations.

Click the Audio Player above to listen to the audio


Theory Of Mind PDF

This PDF is your reference material for when you listen to the Mind Mastery Makeover Preparation audio.

Next Call Up

Grounding Your Energy Lab

Date to be Announced - this will be done in a smaller group

and your group call date will be sent to you via email


Intention Call Replay Audio

Click the Audio Player above to listen to the audio


Guided Journey #1

Mind Mastery Meditation on Focus and Concentration

Get out of the fuzzy, fog of the lower mind and arrive in clear skies on path and purpose. I have your first Mind Mastery Meditation.

Remember what we talked about in our Orientation call. Use that Magical 30 minutes and set yourself up for being responsive to the energies and suggestions.

You are most suggestive to yourself, so take advantage of this meditation to make a shift in who is in charge of your mind.

You will see as this infinite potential is revealed within you there will be changes and you never need to take your focus off of your heart, your heart is the greatest compass for you to know how and where to place your focused attention and conquer your mindless wandering…

There is a specific path that your mind wants to take and it is not the old path that has you overwhelmed, no, you are now allowing your left and right brains to work together very intimately as a team with the Universal Mind that is all knowing and that you are now plugged into from the Golden Grid it is so useful for you.

Click the Audio Player above to listen to the audio


Guided Journey #2

Mind Mastery Meditation to decalcify your Pineal Gland

In order to open your Intuitive abilities and live your life accessing the Higher Mind wisdom, you must have an active pineal gland. Listen and open!

Decalcifying the Pineal Gland and Awakening the third eye acts as a Stargate.

The Pineal Gland resembles a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and it is located near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres.

This gland is activated by light, and it controls the various bio-rhythms of the body, allowing you to be in touch with nature’s cycles and supports healthy sleep patterns.

It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland which directs the body’s thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock that determines our aging process. You can literally turn back time.

When it awakens, one feels more in tune intuitively. To activate the ‘third eye’ is to raise one’s frequency and move into higher states of consciousness.

Click the Audio Player above to listen to the audio


Guided Journey #3

Memory Recall Meditation

Your third Mind Mastery Meditation is ready for you to have a greater recall ability with your memory. It can be really frustrating when you’ve got something on the tip of your tongue and can’t seem to get it out.

Or it just doesn’t come to you at all when you need it – causing embarrassment and disappointment, yikes.

Click the Audio Player above to listen to the audio


Guided Journey #4

Transition to Peace

Your fourth Mind Mastery Meditation is ready for you to use during this time of transition and change. The Universal energies have struck us with some major shifts and changes occurring in our lives.

This has shown up for some as a loss of a loved one, a relationship, a job or even just a change of who we once were and the loss of what was familiar.

All of this change can feel as if there is now a void or something once present has been lost.

Click the Audio Player above to listen to the audio


Guided Journey #5

M-Field Flush

There’s nothing better than freeing yourself up from the old, stagnant energies and especially those things that have been following you around from the past.

In your fifth Mind Mastery Meditation, we clear energies from way far back, by accessing your Morphogenetic field which holds all of your ancestral consciousness. This M-Field is responsible for holding the DNA of your creations and it also carries a lot of karmic energy.

Click the Audio Player above to listen to the audio


Guided Journey #6

Stabilizing your Systems

It's time to lovingly Take charge of your dynamic energetic systems… we start with the most important part of the process of stabilization and that is removing the old and creating space for new Higher Vibrational frequencies to enter…It always feels so good when you let go of the old, right? Especially if it no longer resonates with you… and so You will be ridding yourself of unnecessary energies so that you can invite supportive energies to build your new foundation.

In the Stabilization audio, we will go through each energy body of your aura and set a new foundation. This anchoring of your auric system brings you to a new level of being centered, in awareness and prepared to receive the light energies of evolution that are moving into you.

Click the Audio Player above to listen to the audio


Guided Journey #7

Grounding inside your Body

It's time to lovingly Take charge of your dynamic energetic systems… we start with the most important part of the process of stabilization and that is removing the old and creating space for new Higher Vibrational frequencies to enter…It always feels so good when you let go of the old, right? especially if it no longer resonates with you… and so You will be ridding yourself of unnecessary energies so that you can invite supportive energies to build your new foundation.

Click the Audio Player above to listen to the audio



This will be done in a smaller group and your group date will be sent to you via email. The audio posted here is to be listened to in preparation for your live Grounding Your Energy lab call before your scheduled call date.

Click the Audio Player above to listen to the audio


Grounding inside your Body

This audio is the first part only, without the Q&A. This replay audio contains the process itself. The link to the replay call including the Q&A was sent to you via email after the call took place.

Click the Audio Player above to listen to the audio


ArchAngel Metatron Attunement Session Accompanying PDFs

Metatron's Cube Gazing Process PDF

Metatron's Cube Chakra Cleansing PDF

With Christine Lisio

The initial email from us included instructions on how to connect with Christine. If you haven't already, please check your email for instructions on how to schedule your appointment with Christine. Christine can be reached at Clisio33@gmail.com.


Special Bonus:
The Adventures of the

  •   Introduction
  •   Archangel Michael
  •   Archangel Raphael
  •   Archangel Uriel
  •   Archangel Gabriel

Click here to access...  The Adventures of the Archangels

Thank you so much for being part of our Beautiful Community and for being such a vital thread in the Golden Grid of Grace.

With Light for your path,

Copyright 2017 Empowering Journeys, Inc.